





First Lutheran seeks to encourage the youth to fully participate in church life and to grow in their faiths. We desire parent-supported youth participation in worship services, learning opportunities, and service and fellowship activities.

Special activities are planned and implemented jointly by our Coordinator of Children, Youth and Family Ministry, parents and others with passion for youth ministry. Past activities have included YOUTHWORKS mission trips, two mission trips to the Gulf Coast following Hurricane Katrina, a houseboat trip to Northern Minnesota, rock-climbing at REI in Bloomington, downhill skiing; and on-site activities such as lock-ins, rock-a-thon, 30 Hour Famine and movie/game nights.





What is First Lutheran Church?

  • a place to hear & learn God's Word
  • a place to grow
  • an opportunity to give and help
  • a place to meet and socialize in the community

Click here to learn more about us...


Hayride Fellowship
Posted: October 6, 2024

You’re invited to join us for an evening of fellowship, fun, and faith at Craig and Megan Schwarz's place on Saturday, October 12th, at 6:30

God's Word

Worship Schedule:

Sunday Morning Worship in-person at 9am.*

Sunday Morning Livestream to YouTube at 9am. Recorded Services also available. Click here to view FLC's YouTube page.

*Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays