
Listed below are some Web sites which may be of interest to you. Please note – clicking on a link will take you away from Use your “back” button to return.


***If you would like a printed copy of these starred (*) resources, call or email the church office and they can be mailed to you!


*Advent 2020 Devotional

Luther Seminary invites you to use the 2020 Advent devotional, “O Lord How Shall I Meet You?” for personal or congregational use this Advent.


*ELCA Good Gifts


*LIving Lutheran Periodical

Living Lutheran is your source for news, reflections and stories from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and its local and global companions. We cover religious news and social issues, congregational life, global and domestic mission, family matters, spiritual practices and resources, and more.


Vibrant Faith Taking Faith Home 
Build a more solid faith foundation with Vibrant Faith’s Taking Faith Home lectionary-based weekly flyers. With this amazing resource, individuals and families can nurture their faith all week long! Each flyer contains a variety of faith-building activities, allowing you to pick and choose what works for you.


Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Web site of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, multiple resources.


Southeastern Minnesota Synod, ELCA
Provides resources for the congregational staffs, leadership, and members of the 183 ELCA congregations in this synod.


Vibrant Faith @ Home
Vibrant Faith @ Home supports families who are intentional about their faith and religious practice as they raise the next generation of committed Christians. Check it out at First Lutheran Church, Le Sueur gladly endorses Vibrant Faith at Home.


Synod Resource Center
A shared collection of open files available on-line. Hosted by the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin, this is a great resource center for all church leaders from office secretaries and pastors, to Christian education directors and Sunday School teachers Looking for help? Give the Resource Center link a try:


Augsburg Fortress







What is First Lutheran Church?

  • a place to hear & learn God's Word
  • a place to grow
  • an opportunity to give and help
  • a place to meet and socialize in the community

Click here to learn more about us...


Scholarship Ministry Focus
Posted: January 29, 2025

February 2025 Ministry Focus—First Lutheran Church Scholarship Program Did you know that First Lutheran offers multiple scholarships generously established through donations from the church congregation

God's Word

Worship Schedule:

Sunday Morning Worship in-person at 9am.*

Sunday Morning Livestream to YouTube at 9am. Recorded Services also available. Click here to view FLC's YouTube page.

*Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays