Prayer Shawl Ministry

Prayer Shawl Ministry Purpose: The Prayer Shawl Ministry wishes to com- bine the wonderful fellowship found within FLC and its community with our talents of knitting or crocheting, to form a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in need of comfort, solace and prayer. If you would like to receive a prayer shawl and have not received one, please contact the church office.

Qualifications: Ability to do simple knitting and/or crocheting patterns. The team is willing to give lessons to anyone that may be interested in helping knit or crochet. Finished prayer shawls are given a blessing from Pastor before distribution.

You do not have to knit or crochet to be part of this ministry. You can be a part by delivering prayer shawls.

The Prayer Shawl Team is in need of more people to join our ministry and monetary donations for the pur- chase of yarn to complete the prayer shawls. Contact the church office for more information.





What is First Lutheran Church?

  • a place to hear & learn God's Word
  • a place to grow
  • an opportunity to give and help
  • a place to meet and socialize in the community

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First Choir - This IS Christmas
Posted: December 4, 2024

This IS Christmas Just hearing the word “Christmas” brings thoughts of joy to mind: family gatherings; exchanging gifts; enjoying meals with relatives, friends, and co-workers

God's Word

Worship Schedule:

Sunday Morning Worship in-person at 9am.*

Sunday Morning Livestream to YouTube at 9am. Recorded Services also available. Click here to view FLC's YouTube page.

*Communion 1st & 3rd Sundays